Sat, May 14
|Greenville County
Food Truck 5k
Enjoy and part take in a fundraiser 5K for OneLife and OneLifeX programs.
Time & Location
May 14, 2022, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Greenville County, 295 Sakanaga Trce, Marietta, SC 29661, USA
About the event
Date of Race: May 14th, 2022 @ 9:30 Location of Race: 295 Sakanaga Trace Marietta, SC 29661
Food Trucks Open: 9:00 AM Race Start Time: 9:30 AM*
*Please Arrive at 8:45 AM; Road Closes at 9:00 AM
The WHY:
The proceeds will provide scholarships for students who desire to grow as a kingdom leader, develop relational wisdom, character, and establish a Christian worldview.
Race Goal:
To create scholarships for 50 students, $120,000. We hope to have each racer raise a minimum of $750. Those who raise over $2,000 will get a FREE Zipline Canopy tour here at Sakanaga. Those raising $3,000 or more will be awarded a two-night FREE stay in a cabin at Sakanaga. As well as many other prizes.
Raising Money Example: Family, Friends, Aunts and Uncles, Co-workers, Church Family, and Neighbors MoneyRaising tips: Call, Email, Write a Letter, or Meet Face to Face
Our hope is that you take 4 steps to be helpful to our mission.
1. List out all the people in your sphere of influence on our “People I know” worksheet (below) Call these people and invite them to sponsor you in the race.
2. Then record info on the sponsor sheet. (Helpful hint; we have found it is much easier if you ask for a certain dollar amount.)
3.Record their commitment and information on your sponsor sheet. It would be so helpful if they donated now using this link. Sakanaga 5K Race | OneLife Institute (Powered by Donorbox)Fundpack. Other forms of payment are: Checks (Written out to OneLife with “Food Truck 5k” in the memo) or Cash (should be turned in on race day at the check-in desk with our volunteers)
4. take a photo of your sponsor sheet weekly and text it to Luke (610.425.7700), so we can track our goal.
Volunteer help needed
If you would like to volunteer with set-up, clean-up or with helping coordinate during the race, or for any further questions, email us at info@sakanaga.com or fill out the Contact Us form on the main page of our website, Venue | Sakanaga | United States